General SciFi Archive

Gibson in the News

His blog has gone quiet, which is always a good sign! Most likely taking a much needed little vacation, but he usually blogs while “in between” — perhaps Lady Muse have visited him! Anyway, he’s now all doctored up — honorary degree conferred! I like one of the headlines, “Now he’s the Doctor of Cyberspace!” [&hellip

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10 Years Ago

Was Matrix really 10 years ago!?!?! Yep. [edit: Nope, geez, can’t these folks do a simple fact check? 31 March 1999 was the release…] Then they did the other two to complete the triology. Now they’re back with Speed Racer. Here’s an interesting article looking back on Matrix

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Richard Morgan Rant – and justifiably so..

I have read Richard Morgan’s books and find him to be a good writer though I always put down his books feeling somewhat depressed and craving a shaft of light to sit and try to rewarm my soul again. He wrote and interesting editorial on SF/Fantasy Fans and Writers and their reaction to the genre [&hellip

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75 Words SciFi Fans Should Know

An interesting list of words from scifidom that I was utterly devestated that I could not instantly recognize and define each one! I’m working on that. (Found through SFSignal of course….) So um, uh. How many cyberpunk/shadowrunny words are there on the list? (As he weasels in his  post to the rigorous deinition of this [&hellip

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