Monthly Archive:: July 2007

Bloggers start your Engines..

Just a note that I will be joined by Ling in blogging on Ling and I go way back (30 years or so) and have to say that of the two of us he is better “read” than I and far more articulate. While I stumble along with my posts, Ling will be churning [&hellip

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What is Cyberpunk?

Well, far be it from me to offer a definitive definition, but I know it when I read it. It’s usually near-future distopian literature with some cybernetics and some punks (ie hackers). Virtual Reality, the net, feature large in most cyberpunk. To put it in movie terms, Blade Runner, not Star Wars. Brasil, in which [&hellip

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iPhone? You Phone?

Well along with my interest in Cyberpunk is an unhealthy interest in “gadgets” (just an extension of cyberpunk lust). In particular I am a appleophile ( all you MS lovers run for the hills ) and I guess in gadgets in general. I was not one of those people that ran out and bought an [&hellip

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What is Shadowrunning?

I shouldn’t have to explain myself here but Shadowrunning might just be obscure enough of a term to warrant a little defining.  ” A Shadowrun, by definition, is an illegal covert operation performed by independent operators (Shadowrunners) at the behest of a third party. ” So what the hell does it have to do with [&hellip

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Whats on my nightstand…

Ok well I should say on top of my headboard because there are no books on my nightstand just a lamp and a cpap machine. But on my headboard I have a dearth of new books that I am working my way through (ok I took a short break on the cyberpunk to read the [&hellip

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Welcome to Shadowrunning…

Just a quick welcome to Shadowrunning, a blog devoted to all things cyberpunk. What is Cyberpunk? I define it as near future science fiction. The focus of cyberpunk books is usually “Earthly” and not on “Outer Space” and most books are less concerned with Space Travel and more with human/computer interaction. The title of my [&hellip

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