The Washington Post reports on a new book by Aubrey de Grey that posits that some folks alive today may well live for 1,000 years. Well, actually, they report on his claims and the contest held to debunk his theories of treating aging as a disease — and curing it. De Grey’s book has indeed just [&hellip
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I am very happy to announce that has a new look. Many thanks to milo for the killer word press theme. With that out of the way we can start the creative juices again. Happy Blogging! Enoc
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Ok so maybe he isn’t the father of cyberpunk but he claims he coined the word and also invented the stereotype of the punk hacker that has a mohawk. Here is a link to the story that coined the word cyberpunk… Enoch Powered by ScribeFire
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Just found the site Cyber Punk Radio. I am going to subscribe via iTunes and load a couple of podcasts onto my iPhone and listen on the way home from work. I will let you know if it is worthwhile listening to.. Enoch Powered by ScribeFire
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SF Signal has a great list of Dystopian Movies – a lot of these would fall in the cyberpunk genre as well.. Enjoy! Powered by ScribeFire
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Um, wow, I blew out this whole comment! Oh well, google this!!!
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Well I took a little vacation from Cyberpunk to read Michael Stackpoles 3rd installment in the “Secret Atlas” series but I am back on track and have started Ian McDonald’s book River of Gods. Short background on this book – takes place in India in 2047 and takes a look at what future life would [&hellip
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Wow! Just … wow! Doris Lessing just won the Nobel! As usual, SFSignal has a good collection of quotes from around the web on this SciFi Coup! Salon has a quick write-up as well, noting that 1982 Nobel-winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez was somewhat “fantasy” with his “magic realism.&#
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From SFSignal, a post on the best distopian movies, and ouch, I haven’t seen many of them!
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