Haven’t had the opportunity to post in a while but I hope to do so more regulary as things in Real Life calm down.

Wanted to give some quick insight into Neal Stephenson’s new book Anathem which I have been reading since it came out in September. Neal Stephenson is one my favorite authors but I would not say that any of his books since Cryptnomicon would be considered “easy reads”. Neal  is either tackling complex storylines based on historical events, juggling multiple characters and or discussing “heady” topics that require some real thinking.

In Anathem we are focused for the most part on one character, named Fraa Erasmus ( Fraa = Father) and his life and experiences in what can only be called a monastery for scientists. The book so far has been heavily focused on the concept of Plural Worlds or World Tracks (Narratives) and takes quite sometime to digest. So far I am really enjoying it and I cannot tell you more without spoiling the book. I will give my final thoughts when I am done reading it but I would definitely encourage anyone to go out and pick up this book.
