How can we be better virtual citizens? Wherein the article tells briefly of Gibson’s experience in Second Life, on par with the first day at high school
This Is Just Wrong. And I Must Have Them!
Stephenson In LA Times
Interview with fountain-pen wielding writer extraordinare, Neil Stephenson. Still haven’t read Snow Crash, keep starting and stopping that one — it’s some kind of extreme Gibson loyalty that if were, forefend, to enjoy another big cyberpunkist, I’d be dissin William. Hmm. Not like I don’t read Sterling and uh, a bunch of others. Oh well, [&hellip
Gibson Q&A
Charles Stross
The Future of Gaming
How can you go wrong with a blog entry that instantly quotes both William Gibson … and Dan Quayle! Well, nevermind, but The Age has an interesting read on some future trends in gaming, with somewhat of an Australian slant but still some good insights and trend analysis. And a mention of the long hyped [&hellip
How Many Do You Recognize?
Kelly McCullough puts out 2 new books…
I have already read Kelly’s first book WebMage (book 1 in her Ravirn series) and I will have to say I enjoyed it. I particularly like the way she combines technology and magic. There is always the problem of too much Deus Ex Machina though and not enough clever writing but I think that goes [&hellip